Elder Berry Tincture – Gifts From Nature Body Care & Apothecary

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Elder Berry Tincture
Elder Berry Tincture

Elder Berry Tincture

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The sour berries of the elder shrub have been used for centuries to provide amazing support to the immune system, and are famous for shortening the duration of colds and flu.  The H1N1 scare of 2009 provided an opportunity to test elderberries against the virus, and the results showed that they were greatly effective.
Elderberries are full of flavonoids (compounds responsible for preventing a virus' ability to penetrate cell walls), making them unable to replicate themselves, and have subsequently been found to be effective against many other flu viruses and upper respiratory infections. Elderberry medicine is a must have during the cold and flu season, but also provides strength to the immune system all year.
The dark purple berries also have anti-inflammatory properties, and have been known to decrease the pain associated with arthritis.

In this video, herbalist Susun Weed lovingly teaches about the benefits of elder berries and flowers, as well as a bit of history and folklore associated with this magical plant.

Suggested Dosage

A dropperful of the tincture once or twice a day keeps the immune system healthy and armed to fight off infections. If you already have a cold or the flu it can be taken by the dropperful every 2-3 hours until symptoms are gone.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Contraindications may exist. Consult expert medical advice before using during pregnancy. Keep out of the reach of children.*